2_tapatalk_logo2013-08-07 17.44.13For members who use the forums, Butterflies Gathering, you may well be aware of the Tapatalk app that is available on most mobile devices that makes reading, and contributing to, the forums so much easier when you are “on the go”. This has been set up on our forum for a while now, and following a recent upgrade is fully functioning again even better than before.

200px-Tapatalk_logoTapatalk is available in 2 forms now: the original version which for Apple devices is now FREE and around £2 for other platforms, and the new Tapatalk 2 for Apple users, priced at £2.49.

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Tapatalk 2 on Apple devices now gives you the added benefit of access to the latest news direct from the pages of the Children Are Butterflies website, giving you access to all the chat and all the news from the charity in one place – in the app just look for the “Portal” section for this new feature.

For further details on Tapatalk, please visit their website at:


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