Over the past three years Sarah and Tim have supported Children are Butterflies by working with their fantastic team of family members and friends and have run three half marathons at Silverstone.

Sarah and Tim had to say goodbye to their beautiful baby boy Tyler when he was only a few weeks old, this is by far the most devastating thing a parent would ever have to face.

They both wanted to give to others, so started fundraising for our charity so we could continue to support more families.

Sadly a close friend of Sarah’s was tragically killed and taken far too soon, the 2014 run was to remember a special little boy called “Tyler” and a beautiful young lady called “Sarah Roe”.


Their dedication and continued support has been amazing and they have raised in excess of £14,297.00. This staggering amount will be used to fund children’s funeral services around the United Kingdom.


We cannot thank Sarah, Tim, their team and everyone who has sponsored them over the past three years enough, your generosity will never be forgotten.


Thank you all from the Trustees of Children and Butterflies x123