HE DID IT!!!!! 😀
Tough Mudder on Saturday was a HUGE success. The sun was shining and Ross and his team mates completed it in 1 hour 40 minutes. This was an amazing time as it is advertised on the website as taking 3-4 hours.
It was quite difficult to spectate as to get to every obstacle I would have had to pretty much run it with them but we have some good video footage and some fantastic photos. I will add a few of them on here.
I now have the task of collecting the money that we have raised off line but I am sure we will reach at least £2500 and perhaps even more by the time we have finished.
Thank you for all your support and kind words. I know Ross feels a great sense of achievement and is pleased we have been able to give something back to Children are Butterflies!
Michelle x X x