Everyone is very quiet!!!!

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      Morning, just checking you are all ok as its been very quiet on here of late!!! I’m sure it is just due to busy lives and holiday time.
      I am glad to hear Max is back home and baby is where he should be, a worrying time but with rest and with good medical care I’m sure everything will be just fine.
      It was lovely to hear that Paula’s little girl was born on Monday. Mummy and Betsy are doing well so a massive congratulations to Paula and Luke and I know Freddie will be a very proud big brother.
      It’s GCSE results day today so Heather is a nervous wreck, bless her – I have everything crossed for 10.30am today but I know she has done everything she could so I am very proud already 🙂

      I hope you are all ok, keep talking, keep smiling and I’ll catch up with you all in the first week of Sept when I return from my holiday.

      Take care and lots of love
      MB xxx


      Hi Ann,

      Hope you have a fantastic holiday, going anywhere nice?

      Fantastic news about Paula and Betsy, I knew she was scheduled in for induction Monday so really please to here all went well and mother and baby are good.


      Eva’s mummy

        Hi Ann welldone to Heather on her exam results.

        Happy holidays hope you have a lovely time xxxxxxxxxxxxx

        Rach xxxx


          Hope you are having nice time Ann.
          Sun is still shining but little bit of showers too. Fingers cross where you are you have nice and hot.
          We had been busy here. My nan arrive last week and since then every day is busy. Lyra gave us all her lovely cold too. So when she starts nursery it looks like we will end up all sick 🙁

          Happy Bank holiday everyone Hope you all have lots of fun ! we are off to Kent visit Steve’s mum and try to sell some little bits in car boot sale.


          Pork Chops

            Hey Ann and you other ladies,

            I am one of those crazy busy ladies at the moment… Yarmouth last week, Hayden and Miyas birthday this week. I only got one more week with my boy before he goes nursery… He’s excited though and he loves his uniform 🙂

            Hope you have a nice holiday Ann, and that Max and baby are well,
            Sarah x

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